Each year parasites and predators cost the poultry industry
million of rupee's. The word parasite is of Greek origin which
means "situated besides". Greek use this word for those
peoples who ate beside or at the table of others. Scientist define
parasites as "organisms which live on/or within the body
of some other living organisms are called parasites and predators".
Host is an organism that harbor a parasite.
Diseases Caused by Parasites
1. Coccidiosis
2. Histomoniasis (Black Head)
3. Spirochaetosis
4. Leucocytozoonosis
5. Trichomoniasis
Types of Parasites
They live within the host body. They are
1. Protozoa.
2. Helminths.
It include NEMATODES or ROUND WORMS which are rounded in shape.
TREMATODES or FLAT WORMS which are in the form of short long segmented
They live on the surface of the body of birds, located especially
inside of the thighs and under the wings. It include Arthropods,
Lice, Mites and ticks.
Parasite Effect on Host
- They suck blood (ticks, mosquitoes, hookworms, lungworms).
- Produce various toxic substance. Cause an allergic reactions.
- Unexplained drop in egg production (99% drop in egg production
sometime is caused by Round Worms).
- Retarded growth and anemia. Severely affected birds may die.
- Endoparasite cause mechanical obstruction to intestine and
bile, trachea and bronchi (by lung worms).
- Due to round worms comb become dark pale.
Ectoparasites cause irritation, and act as carrier of diseases.
i.e malaria by mosquitoes, spirochaetosis, TICK FEVER by Ticks
in which spleen enlarged.
Prevention and Control
- Good sanitation is very important.
Thorough cleaning and disinfecting of the brooder and laying
house before housing.
Avoid contamination of feed and water.
Hygienic disposal of the dropping.
- Eliminate intermediate host(s). Control earthworms and other
- Rear young birds away from adult birds and intermediate host.
Avoid rearing birds on free range.
- Insecticide sprays to keep down the insects load.
- Litter must be dry, free of damp areas. Avoid humidity. Provide
adequate ventilation.
- All cracks and cervices must be removed/repaired.
- Avoid overcrowding.
- Deworming should be done after every month. Flow rate of
ingesta/dewormer in the digestive tract of the bird is about
2 hr. If dewormer given to bird do not show positive results
then the reason is that the medicine is not effective or proper
dose is not given or proper deworming procedure is not adopted
which is given below.
Deworming Procedure
Special care is required during deworming.
- Give dewormer 2 hr. before sunsets.
- Light must be turned off.
- Remove wet litter at early in the morning if not possible
remove the upper surface of the litter.
- Flushing with molasses solution should be done after 2 hr.
of deworming.
- Use ANTIBIOTICS for avoiding secondary infection due to dewormer(
because during the expulsion process of worms from the intestine
they cause injuries in the intestine). Antibiotics are given
TM 200 (Tetracycline)
65 gm. per bag of feed for 5-7 days.
Oxytetracycline 11%
125 gm. Per bag of feed for 5-7 days.
ALBAC (Zinc Bacitracin)
100 gm. per bag of feed for 5-7 days.
Also use certain vitamins after deworming to reduce stress.
Treatment for Internal Parasites
Round worms
Coopane powder
2 Teaspoon/gallon
or 1gm/kg of feed.
Piperazine powder
1gm/kg of feed
Tape worms
1gm/kg of feed.
1cc/5 Kg live wt.
or 1 cc/3 layers.
½ tablet for 1 bird
1/2 kg for 250 birds
(mix in 2 days feed of birds).
Treatment for External Parasites
For controlling ectoparasites use
(1:15) for young birds
(1:7) for large birds.
Use Neguvon for spray at the rate of 1 kg per 660 liter of water
or 1 ounce per 5 gallon of water or 1-2 gram per 2 gallon of water
for chick bath.
1 cc per liter for bath.
8 oz bottle per 50 gallon of water for house spray
Source: This article has previously been published
in THE VETERINARY NEWS & VIEWS [WEEKLY] and on World Veterinary
Association web site (Oct 21, 2003 - 10:08 PM). |