WinFeed is easy
to use software for "Least Cost Feed Formulation".
It is equally useful
for ruminants and non-ruminants such as poultry, cattle, sheep,
horses, dogs, cats, fish and other aqua culture etc.
WinFeed works in
two modes
WinFeed is very
easy to use. Any body familiar with MS-Windows can learn it in minutes.
It enhanced screen
user interface. Icon based menus, Windows
XP style side bar, on screen editing facilities, and mouse
right clickable context menus make its use very convenient and smooth.
It has power to
handle unlimited number of Ingredients
and Nutrients.
WinFeed provides
very easy system to manage ingredient composition database. You
can create as many different databases as you required. Each database
is saved in a separate file so you can use them when ever you want.
WinFeed provides
wonderful facility of database synchronization.
For example if nutrient analysis values of new ingredient stock
is different then before, you don't have to update all of the existing
databases. A one click function of "Sync & Update"
will help you to update all of your existing databases within no
WinFeed also has
tightly bound integration with MS Excel. You can
Import or Export your data between Excel and Winfeed
with few mouse clicks.
Advanced features
of Shadow Price, Cost Analysis, Marginal
Price and sensitivity analysis. You can easily find out
effects of ingredient price change or sensitivity of various ingredient
and nutrient limits.
A very easy and
friendly interface to set up nutrient limits.
WinFeed has backward
formula analysis capability: If you already have a formula,
enter it and get the nutrient and cost analysis in seconds.
WinFeed calculates
a least cost formula and then prepares a Batch Sheet
for any batch size up to 1,000,000 Kg. Multiple batch sheets of
different batch sizes can be prepared from the same formula. For
higher confidentiality "Print Batch Only"
function provides an easy way to keep formula analysis details secret
from mixing sheet.
WinFeed is compatible
with Windows NT, 98, Me, 2000, XP and Windows 2003.
Unix/Linux compatible versions are also available on request.
reports can be prepared in graphical form using pie
chart and bar chart. Graphical charts
provide an instant overview of the formulas.
A built-in utility
to calculate mean and standard deviation for Stochastic
If your requirements
are different, you can order customized version
tailored to your requirements and circumstances.
WinFeed is the
World's cheapest formulation software. It is the Least Cost
Solution for the Least Cost Feed Formulation.
Now, no one will be left out there without a Feed Formulation package.